Studies in context, materiality and plan, reflective of human behaviour.

Our appreciation of natural landform and deep connection to site is underpinned by the respect we have for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of being. We recognise the world’s oldest living culture and their means of living harmoniously across this land for thousands of years.

Wolveridge Architects crafts highly considered environmentally responsive projects that are always respectful of place. We are committed to sustainable design and exploring ideas that prioritise context, whether in rural or urban settings. The practice was founded by principal architect and director Jerry Wolveridge in 2000. Will Smart joined the practice in 2013 and moved into the role of Director in 2023. The two lead the medium-sized team in creating residential and commercial projects that enrich the lives of our clients. A hands-on ethos typifies the Wolveridge Architects approach, fuelled by a thorough briefing process, in-depth investigations of place and the incorporation of passive environmentally sustainable design principles.

Will Smart, Director

Will Smart


Coming across Wolveridge Architects in 2011, Christchurch-born Will Smart commented to a friend, ‘One day I’ll work there’. Two years later, the University of Auckland graduate reached out to Jerry and joined the Wolveridge Architects team as Project Architect, moving into the role of Associate and Shareholder in 2017, Associate Director in 2020 and Director in 2023. Will worked in Perth previously, where his passion for bespoke residential architecture began. It continues today and his experience at Wolveridge has strengthened an interest in context-driven design and material exploration, which has evolved organically through working alongside Jerry. Working across all stages of the architecture process, Will places high value on the client experience and acknowledges that all projects have their challenges while ensuring the process is honest, open and enjoyable for all.

Jerry Wolveridge, Director

Jerry Wolveridge


After graduating from Deakin University in 1995, Jeremy Wolveridge worked in Port Douglas and London before returning to his hometown of Melbourne, where he established Wolveridge Architects in 2000. Time spent travelling, living and working in different regions honed his respect for natural landform, local thinking and the understanding of designing for place, which underscores all that he does today. A longstanding commitment to sustainability defines his unaffected, raw aesthetic and prioritises the process as much as the outcome. For the past dozen years, Jerry has lived in The Hill Plains House, an off-grid home he designed and built with his life partner and fellow architect Christina Theodorou and their children.

Laura Tindall, Associate

Laura Tindall


Originally from Cambridge, New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington graduate Laura Tindall moved to Melbourne in 2011 and hasn’t left. After working in a number of the city’s most highly regarded practices, as well as taking time out to travel Europe, she joined Wolveridge Architects in late 2019. Her experience is in different sectors, including hospitality, educational and multi-residential, and she now specialises in her passion, high end residential projects. Laura enjoys working closely with Jerry to resolve a project’s design, especially through the documentation stage and on site, where collaborating with clients and builders is a highlight. Promoted to the role of Associate in late 2022, she is proud to be involved in shaping the practice’s future.

Jessica Corbett, Associate

Jessica Corbett


With a builder for a father, Jessica Corbett spent the vast majority of her childhood around construction sites where her passion for architecture and the built form was first realized.
Jessica has honed her design skills over the past 10 years at Wolveridge Architects and has helped Jerry and Will to solidify the office direction when it comes to interior design.
Starting out as student then slowly promoted to leading high value and often high profile projects, Jessica has a focus on providing above all, a Client focussed service, herself living a coastal lifestyle often relating to a vast majority of clientele.
She loves seeing materials and construction methods expressed in an honest way, which in a way is a reflection of her own pursuit for authenticity.

Lilliana Sierra, Associate

Lilliana Sierra


Over her 20-year career working in Australian and Colombian design practices, Lilliana has consistently demonstrated her ability to develop ambitious and creative designs. Her two degrees in Architecture and Production Design have equipped her with vast design knowledge. Lilliana has a proven track record of generating original and innovative design concepts, presenting them effectively, and achieving successful outcomes. She has broad experience; having worked across high end residential, urban and commercial architecture as well as furniture, interior design and set design. Lilliana joined Wolveridge Architects in 2020 bringing with her a passion for environmentally sustainable design. Promoted to Associate in 2024, she is a firmly believer in the power of collaboration and meaningful discussions to make a positive impact to our projects, the practice and the world.

Having a down-to-earth attitude and genuine care for clients are prerequisites for working at Wolveridge Architects. We leave our egos at the door and get down to the business of doing what we love, having fun along the way and never shying away from showing our human side. The practice comprises architects from diverse backgrounds, all of whom contribute their extensive experience to the creation of projects that acknowledge people and place.

Directors Jerry Wolveridge and Will Smart lead the design process with a clear focus on transparency and respect, remaining a constant throughout all stages, alongside a dedicated team of capable project architects.